Our transdisciplinary, collaborative, research projects critically investigate entanglements of geopolitics, art, and the climate crises, through an intersectional, anti-colonial approach and feminist praxis. We are interested in the collaborative creation of new imaginaries, and have co-produced site-specific performances and installations, videos and publications concerning borders, wetlands, atmospheres and kinship.
Our work has been shown in Ireland, Europe, the UK & US, and was included in the ASEF culture360 Creative Responses to Sustainability, UK Green Guide 2021.
Dr Paula McCloskey is an artist, artistic researcher and teacher, School of Arts, Derby University, UK.
Her transdisciplinary, collaborative research in contemporary art practice, critical theory and social engagement sits at the intersections of art, geopolitics/climate and maternity/kinship.
Dr Sam Vardy is an architectural researcher/educator and artist, exploring spatial politics and possible worlds between art and architecture and the alternate practices of architecture they might reveal.

a place of their own
Performance walk as part of Myths for a Wetlands Imaginary, London, 2019
Paula McCloskey
e: paula_at_aplaceoftheirown_dot_org
e: paula_at_aplaceoftheirown_dot_org