Border-Fictions Special Issue
Architecture and Culture
Published 2023

We are co-editing a special issue of the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) Architecture and Culture journal, Border Fictions which emerges from our work on the Eile Project. Priviledged to co-edit with Dr Mohamad Hafeda.
The call asked the following:
- What becomes of fictioning as a resistant spatial practice when it engages with nation-state borders?
- How can activist, anti-colonial, critical spatial art practices open new imaginaries of borders while acknowledging the often violent lived experiences that they impose?
- Is there political potential in exploring expanded framings of various and opposing forms of ‘speculative design’ - from the making to the unmaking of borders?
Taking a broad and interdisciplinary approach for this Special Issue we hope to solicit experiences from:
- Contemporary global spatial art and/or architecture practices working with fictions in border contexts, however they might be defined;
- Contemporary spatial activist initiatives working with fictions in border contexts, however they might be defined;
- Historical and counter-historical narratives that reimagine or re-narrate border experiences.