Amid the Air and Earth

Myths for a Wetlands Imaginary

Started in 2019, Myths for a Wetlands Imaginary is an ongoing project that engages with the global ecological habitat of wetlands to collaboratively explore new imaginaries of co-existence.  Wetlands, and the marshes, bogs, fens, reedbeds and reefs that make them up, tell complex stories of relationships of land and peoples, of settler colonialism, and of the capitalist and carbon imaginaries that have seen 70% of wetlands across the world destroyed in the last 50 years.

We foreground the sharing and production of myth (a mythopoesis) as a method through which to draw together distinct experiences and knowlegdes of wetlands and to open up historically situated new wetlands imaginaries; with ecologists, writers, artists and communities.

The work has been developed with Arts Catalyst, initially for Waltham Forest Borough Council Art Assembly in 2019, and now (21/22) as part of their Emergent Ecologies strand in Shire Brook Valley / Woodhouse Washlands (Sheffield/Rotherham). 

Myths at Walthamstow Wetlands
Waltham Forest Borough Council, Art Assembly, 2019

Myths at Shire Brook Valley / Woodhouse Washlands
Arts Catalyst Emergent Ecologies